In this session, you will discover the essential strategies and tactics to grow your home staging business to unprecedented heights. Drawing on real-world experiences, this presentation is tailored specifically for home staging professionals looking to achieve exponential growth in their ventures. Alisa will discuss practical ways to your daily operations, grow your team to be independently operating, and embark on a journey towards a thriving and 20x more successful home staging business. WHAT HOME STAGERS AND DESIGNERS CAN EXPECT FROM THIS RESACON SESSION: - Understand the importance of identifying your business niche. Identify specific activities that can be systemized or automated and the value it creates in your business growth. - Explore how hiring the right people allows you to achieve bigger goals. - Delve into the importance of continually learning and adapting to the changing market. If you purchased the RESACON virtual ticket or add-on you can attend this session for free, you should get a Zoom link via email. Can't find it? Email THIS IS A LIVE ZOOM SESSION - IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND LIVE YOUR REGISTRATION INCLUDES REPLAY ACCESS WHICH IS SENT VIA EMAIL.