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Submissions are open for the 2025 Home Staging Industry Awards! New categories include international awards for stylists worldwide 
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HomeChapter Info


Why Join or Start A RESA Chapter?


Real Estate Stagers join or start RESA Chapters primarily to reduce uncertainty in their shared environment and to gain perspective on shared problems. Associations offer a bridge to communicate with competitors in a collaborative environment. 


“Networking and Volunteerism” is an effective way for stagers to get in front of their target audience, real estate agents. Stagers who align themselves with RESA and participate in chapter events gain exposure in the community and meet other professionals.  By participating with RESA you will be viewed as a leader in your community and your profession.

Real Estate agents have been mixing with each other at association meetings since 1908 and it is now time for stagers to do the same.  Real estate agents are very involved in their trade associations and marketing groups. They understand the importance of supporting their trade association. 

The only path to legitimacy is for stagers to organize and form RESA Chapters. RESA chapters ARE YOUR trade association and by joining a chapter you can now speak the same language as real estate agents. 


When chapter members take a leadership position in their chapter, they are positioned to rise to the top and become the “go-to stager”. Consistent networking with other stagers, agents, lenders and title representatives gets your name out there as the “go-to stager’.

Volunteering and networking in your community make you more visible. Being visible and being ‘known’ will help people remember you when they need to refer to staging business. It is a natural and proven method. RESA chapters are the industry’s ‘go-to’ opportunity for networking, volunteering, and serving in leadership. 


Connect With Local Home Stagers - Find a RESA Chapter

Photo Staged by: Jenny Hilborn, 2021 Professional Home Stager Of The Year

RESA leaders are... 

  • Committed to advancing professionalism & excellence  in real estate staging locally 

  • Supportive of other stagers and believes in the ‘greater good’

  • Dedicated to the betterment of the staging industry

  • Determined to be a part of THE most respected resource for home staging in the real estate community

Why RESA Leaders Lead..

  • Leaders believe in  making a difference in the industry locally

  • Leadership elevates connections and resources for increased business success

  • Leaders are viewed as 'industry experts'

  • Leadership fosters personal growth and professional development

  • Leadership builds positive, life-long relationships

If you are interested in finding or starting a RESA chapter please email