Jason Saft is the founder of Staged To Sell Home, a leading boutique staging firm in NYC & Brooklyn. He is the 2022 winner of The Best Luxury Home Stager (USA) as voted by The Real Estate Stager Association (R.E.S.A.)
Jason has an innate ability to transform a space from what it is, to what it should be, in order to achieve the highest return for his sellers and to help buyers understand value and opportunity. With almost 20 years of expertise Staged To Sell Home offers a cost-effective solution to yield high-return results.
Staged To Sell Home has won numerous awards and with a global outreach of over 50K followers on Instagram, Property Spark named him the #3 Real Estate Professional on Social Media.
He has been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, DNA Info, Streeteasy, 6 Sq. Ft. and Forbes Magazine.