Since a child, I have had the desire to decorate homes. My dad would take me to Open Houses on Sundays to get ideas on how to decorate our home. Then he would take those ideas and implement them, with my help of course!
From then on I could not get the decorating bug out of my mind. No matter where I was I was always looking at color, texture, design, architecture, furniture, and accessories.
After college and working my way up the corporate ladder, raising my three children, now all married, and blessing us with 12 grandchildren it was time to change careers.
My husband Jim and I moved back to our roots in Michigan. It was my opportunity to follow that dream of so long ago and open my own staging company, WhyteHouse Staging & ReDesign LLC. I am loving my new career! I love helping people by staging their homes to get them sold faster and most of the time for more money.
I recently decided to jump into another role in my staging business. Recently becoming a RESA PRO Educator. I am now training realtors on the importance of staging homes which provides tools, information, and education on how they can assist their home sellers in getting the most equity out of their homes.